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use spheres and diameter in a sentence

(370) To his shock, as Saarang turned the first page, the words slowly transformed into small cylinders, except for one-letter words, which preferred being spheres, and started rolling toward the vertical edges of the book. Three of the upper spheres have no vertical The author's observations on the division of space into internal and external spheres certainly deserve all due attention. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. (91) Inside the spheres, the neurons layer themselves like the neurons in your cerebral cortex. (193) Forcing the graphite flakes that are characteristic of gray iron to agglomerate into spheres is the challenge for the metallurgist. This would be great as homework or as an independent classwork activity. The popular astrologers claim that the forms in this world obey the spheres that carry their appearances (in the images of animals). And everything in this universe has a place. (329) In the middle of the ground level, a large platform topped by black marble-patterned porcelain tile displays one of Ms. Donovans sculptures of aggregated spheres made of silver Mylar. 12- On the circuit being closed the spheres become charged. i. (6) In the celestial spheres of the brain. (434) What Is "spheres"? (95) Others look like bizarre alien landscapes, with mutating spheres hovering in a starlit sky. 131. English words and Examples of Usage use "diameter" in a sentence At more than 100 times the diameter of the Earth, and more than 300,000 times its mass, the simple enormity of the sun is difficult to comprehend. (387) So we need to reconfigure, we need to reunite the economic and the political spheres, but we'd better do it by democratizing the reunified sphere, lest we end up with a surveillance-mad hyperautocracy that makes The Matrix, the movie, look like a documentary. lukaszpp 1455348 I have never seen a giraffe.CK 395208 Giraffes have very long necks. 13.and the volume of the satellite droplets increases with the initial droplet Diameter and the impact velocity. (328) Grosseteste needed to account for nine perfect spheres in the medieval geocentric cosmos: the 'firmament', the fixed stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. (189) Our Euripides the human,With his droppings of warm tears,and his touchings of things common Till they rose to meet the spheres. (171) A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful. (332) But with the sole exception of proving that the volumes of spheres are in the triplicate ratio of their diameters, a theorem probably due to Eudoxus, no mention is made of its mensuration. (130) The outer planets are large gaseous spheres with rings and include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. (452) How to use "spheres" in a sentence. (320) This treatise is in two books, dedicated to Dositheus, and deals with the dimensions of spheres, cones, solid rhombi and cylinders, all demonstrated in a strictly geometrical method. Get Homework. 0. (311) He died before he could realize his aim of conquering the Chinese Empire to the South, but his descendants made inroads on China's spheres of influence, conquering Korea in 1637. (333) Now, it's often said that science cannot give us a foundation for morality and human values, because science deals with facts, and facts and values seem to belong to different spheres. (198) Finally, there were the microscopic soot spheres, produced by high temperature combustion, such as in the boilers of power stations. (36) 2When threatened, he fires spheres of solidified air from his launcher! 14.the plant height, stem Diameter, length and width of maximum leaf increased. (238) In the sixteenth century, regionalism remained a powerful cultural force, despite the growing influence of London in most spheres of public life. (355) In general, this book successfully refines several prevalent interpretative paradigms, most notably the purported decline of propertied women into indolence and luxury and the rise of separate spheres. (162) 2Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane spheres. ; Grabbed some very small diameter drill bits well. (156) The inflatable, see-through spheres are common at amusement parks, malls and fairs in the US, Australia and Europe. . (224) In the United States a law against mob racketeers has been misapplied in all sorts of spheres, including throughout the securities industry. (404) As regards pulmonary disease, pneumonia has passed more and more definitely into the category of the infections: the modes of invasion of the lungs and pleura by tuberculosis has been more and more accurately followed; and the treatment of these diseases, in the spheres both of prevention and of cure, has undergone a radical change. 23- In other spheres attempts to increase productivity had been blocked. Under our irradiation conditions, the target spheres are exposed by the laser from one side, which could initiate non-isotropic conditions. (58) Now global dimensions could be set, with authority, by the celestial spheres. (109) Bacteria occur in three basic shapes: rods ( or bacilli ), spheres ( or cocci ) and spirals. [42 Example Sentences + Audio] How to make, use, write and learn "balls up" in a sentence? (249) Autolycus surviving works include a book on spheres LRB called On the Moving Sphere RRB and another on the rising and setting of celestial bodies. (460) Define "spheres" in one sentence, define "spheres" in one word. Table 3 also shows the volumes calculated for the given ranges of diameters of the globoid spheres. (194) But the observations threatened a notion fundamental for many Aristotelians, namely, that all celestial bodies are perfect spheres. (108) Important spheres of local public life fell outside of the purview of most scholarly narratives. (48) Self-reliance was also promoted in other economic spheres, albeit modestly. 17- Identifying and tracking new across cultural spheres . (233) Elliptical galaxies contain older stars and very little gas and dust. Given the following data, find the diameter that represents the 49th percentile - Given the following data, find the diameter that represents the 49th. Students will use the 14 practice problems to find the volume of spheres and hemispheres. Although both spheres represent two principally separated transactional orders, they are at the same time related. Sentence Examples. (262) The toy inspired study co-author Chiara Daraio to invent the acoustic lens, which uses 95-centimeter stainless steel spheres aligned in parallel chains. spheres spherical-geometry Share Cite Follow 34.the minimum and maximum girdle Diameters are determined by taking a number of Diameter measurements. Watch your back! - Multiply the surface by the diameter , and take of the product for the content . (389) In 1526 he was sent out in command of an expedition fitted out for the purpose of determining by astronomical observations the exact line of demarcation, under the treaty of Tordesillas, between the colonizing spheres of Spain and Portugal, and of conveying settlers to the Moluccas. The infrastructural spheres are not separate from each other. Two of the problems are word problems. (44) so are all the other spheres. Sentences are more than just strings of words. (163) He used nanoparticlesspheres thousands of times smaller than a single cellthat were coated with beta cell antigens. . What sort of difference does it make whether we approach communicative action within the umma as taking place within or constituting public spheres, or networks? (73) Sones upends the pycnogonid toreveal a cluster of tiny spheres like whitish caviar. (127) Our current muddle in all sorts of spheres, not just cyberspacestems from the mess in the White House. The diameter of a sphere is 6.25 nm, and panicles cannot be closer than that. (150) The shapes of these ferruginous sandstones are very fantastic - tubes, hollow spheres, plates, c., being common. (393) Hence the clergy were left to do as they pleased, so long as they respected the law of the land; and most of the modern collisions between Church and State have occurred on the debateable ground where their respective spheres overlap, over questions concerning education or the marriage-laws. And those spheres- they are worlds, realms, each one different yet the same. The formula is V=1/3 *3.14* 213 2 * 410. , The womans social sphere was extremely vast, with most of her free time spent attending community events. 38.the average grain Diameter and cumulative relative curve of red sandstone are obtained by the grain size analysis. (368) Thus, as far as he is a scientific man, as far as he knows anything, he is a materialist; outside his science, in spheres about which he knows nothing, he translates his ignorance into Greek and calls it agnosticism. (369) Clearly, if this is right, we must reunite the political and economic spheres and better do it with a demos being in control, like in ancient Athens except without the slaves or the exclusion of women and migrants. 'It could almost make me believe in the music of the spheres, Jo 3. further behind me I held one of the ceramic spheres nestled firmly . 27- Jensens views became widely known in many spheres . Here, we argue for sampling across spheres of behavior or domains of functioning. (132) In Britain, finally, the church, or rather the churches, wield tremendous influence in all spheres of life. In three to four sentences, explain the steps the class should take to provide data to help them make a conclusion about the effect of gravity on objects of different masses. (353) Based on two basic protocols of secure multi-party computation, a secure protocol is designed for determining whether two spacial spheres intersect, and its correctness and security are analyzed. The key to improving policy formation is understood to be through bringing ' ordinary knowledge ' into decentralised spheres of political decision-making. (257) 2Light scattering matrix of random oriented two spheres system is studied extensively by using the T matrix method and the principle of superposition. (134) The results of TEM showed that micelles were regular spheres which had a fuscous nucleus and a tint shell. Build bright future aspects math is the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. Alternate calculation. (245) When a sound wave strikes the spheres at one end of the acoustic lens, the sound gets converted into a type of shock wave known as a solitary wave. - How to use "spheres" in a sentence. It may be the world's largest cube. To further understand the context of this changing balance between the private and public spheres we must look to the field of sociological urban theory. (100) How have mine eyes out of their spheres been fitted In the distraction of this madding fever! Firstly for a point mass: mass x radius squared is a measure of moment of inertia, and secondly all the point masses moment of inertia can always be added up to give the total effective moment of inertia. (181) And from literate populations, new forms of collective action emerged in the spheres of knowledge, religion and politics. Think of them as four interconnected parts that make up a complete system; in this case, of life on earth. (433) What is the definition of an "spheres"? The radius of the spheres is . The formula is V=4/3 * 3.14*426 2 * 410. 22- There are close analogies between the two spheres . 44- 638220Some visitors may wonder whether living has only become possible in virtual spheres. , As a part of the popular group at school, the teens sphere of influence reached many of the other students. They shift and change, they form and function, and theyre mine. 5. (342) 2Based on two basic protocols of secure multi-party computation, a secure protocol is designed for determining whether two spacial spheres intersect, and its correctness and security are analyzed. (115) in fact, we have intelligence that smaller spheres have landed at other locations around the world. 113. Decisions about the appropriateness of certain liability rules in different spheres of activity, however, need not be made on a case-by-case basis. (358) Distinctive modelling, colour profusion, are numerous multicolor strass spheres can be made a fantastical effect,[] is considered to be the best fashionable jewelry DIY material. Parts of the Meridian , it is found by Calculation * , that . it is a pleasure to hear from you formal. (111) How have mine eyes out of their spheres been fitted In the distraction of this madding fever! They are rolled down the trough one at a time . 48- The poems penultimate verse repeats its first line, heigh in the hevynnis figure circulere, so that its structure echoes that of the celestial spheres which it evokes. The E 8 lattice sphere packing. And I think it's true that society is becoming more and more passive, less and less fired up with enthusiasm, in many, Its when Mr. Irizarry starts mixing and matching his Moniques and Yvettes, sometimes including them all onstage at once, that the production most powerfully multiplies and refracts the plays many, The problem is that as long as the economic and the political, The method of electrical images will enable the stream function, )' to be inferred from a distribution of doublets, finite in number when the surface is composed of two, The solidarity of clan and fine in their respective, When Mitanni fell Babylon no doubt adhered to its older claims on Mesopotamia; but the Kassite kings could do little to contest the advance of Assyria, although several rectifications of the boundary between their, Every war results from the struggle for markets and, It is the same thought which collected in the cosmic space the divided masses into, Some Churches still continued the three weeks' fast, but by the middle of the 5th century most of these divergences had ceased and the usages of Antioch-Constantinople and Rome-Alexandria had become stereotyped in their respective, The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the key to understanding how nature designs and is a part of the same ubiquitous music of the, And it's not based on theology or philosophy, it's in the study of the mind, across all these, So we need to reconfigure, we need to reunite the economic and the political, But the form in which the whole is set forth is Oriental, and it must be carefully noted that the Mithras mysteries, so closely connected with the Persian religion, are acquainted with this doctrine of the ascent of the soul through the planetary, In 1526 he was sent out in command of an expedition fitted out for the purpose of determining by astronomical observations the exact line of demarcation, under the treaty of Tordesillas, between the colonizing, Each particle may react in some way on the solvent in its neighbourhood, but if the solution be so dilute that each of these, Gnosticism is to a great extent dominated by the idea that it is above all and in the highest degree important for the Gnostic's soul to be enabled to find its way back through the lower worlds and, Hence the clergy were left to do as they pleased, so long as they respected the law of the land; and most of the modern collisions between Church and State have occurred on the debateable ground where their respective, But before it had penetrated far inland the political reasons for sending the expedition vanished with the signature, on the 1st of July 1890, of the Anglo-German agreement defining the, . (120) It is helpful to reducing the uncertainty of measuring LEDs luminous flux with integrating spheres. Twinkl USA 6th . (430) The Best Definition of "spheres" Ive Heard So Far. (209) The good he did was limited to the spheres of public works and police; in other respects his rule was a pernicious influence for Cuba. Students will use the 14 practice problems to find the volume of spheres and hemispheres. (365) Unlike Facebook, which hermetically seals users in their own ideological and personal communication spheres, Twitter thrives on being a more public forum, each user given a soapbox proportional to their following. (42) He gives no diameter or wind-pressure. Legislation now produced separate apparatuses and spheres of activity, with distinctive forms of knowledge and expertise. (383) Some Churches still continued the three weeks' fast, but by the middle of the 5th century most of these divergences had ceased and the usages of Antioch-Constantinople and Rome-Alexandria had become stereotyped in their respective spheres of influence. (236) The world,the clustering spheres, He made, The glorious light, the soothing shade, Dale, champaign, grove, and hill: The multitudinous abyss. 33- Im very passionate about leadership in different spheres . (56) our journey starts in space, where matter condenses into spheres over time (57) Circles spheres cylinders tubes and other round objects can be concentric. (102) He correctly pointed out that six spheres can surround a central sphere in the innermost ring. ; The tube C should have a diameter of from 12 to 15 mm. Air is overwhelmingly empty space. (384) The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the key to understanding how nature designs and is a part of the same ubiquitous music of the spheres that builds harmony into atoms, molecules, crystals, shells, suns and galaxies and makes the Universe sing. Catastrophic in a Sentence Definition of Catastrophic associated with a major disaster Examples of Catastrophic in a sentence The catastrophic wreck on the highway involved over forty vehicles. It is time to stop operating under the mindset that these spheres ought to be separated into secular and Christian, hoarding all the sanctified spheres into the church, thereby leaving the world struggling in a vacuum of death. (415) When the fluids inside a particle were mixed together, the particle was neutral; when they were more or less completely separated, the particle became magnetized to an intensity depending upon the magnetic force applied; the whole body therefore consisted of a number of little spheres having north and south poles, each of which exerted an elementary action at a distance. (385) And it's not based on theology or philosophy, it's in the study of the mind, across all these spheres of research, from neuroscience to the cognitive scientists, behavioral economists, psychologists, sociology, we're developing a revolution in consciousness. We will calculate the volume of the sphere by substituting 31 for r 28.where: pitch and Diameter are in inches. This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences. For example, if the diameters (longest dimensions) of the popping boba balls for one solution were 6 mm, 5.5 mm, and 6 mm, the average diameter would be 5.8 mm for that sodium citrate amount. (287) For all of Kumaratunga's talk of a partnership with the US, the real relationship is one of slavish subservience in all spheres - economic, political and military. (145) The next step was to chemically link these highly specific antibodies to small magnetised polystyrene spheres. (21) Ultramarine spheres flashed over Linda's weapon console. A complex sentence with "spheres" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (35) They want to jump over to those positively charged copper spheres. . Math Assignments Solve Now Surface area formula sphere diameter . Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. (213) A systematic experimental study has been conducted an mild Steel tubes of various thickness in their perforation by hard steel spheres. (331) It is, in fact, a procedure whereby communication is established between the sacred and profane spheres by a victim, that is to say by an object destroyed in the course of the ceremony. an area of activity, expertise, or interest, Although she was not in his sphere of command, she still respected him as a leader. Moreover, most civil rights, except for one or two spheres, are largely satisfying. sentence with Spheres And Diameter (180) 2Relevant spheres for scrutiny include health, education, employment, training, legal protection, trade unions, and others. ; No clinal variation in diameter of the guard hairs was detected. The negative sign indicates that the sphere's center is located to the surface's left. 4- The passenger ships had habitation spheres 20 meters in diameter. The diameter of the orchestra is 762 ft. 252. 9.the relaxation of the jet to its final Diameter has been used to provide a direct estimate of the fluid relaxation time. (294) While the various institutions within the political, economic, and other spheres are important, the family is the primary inculcator of the moral culture in a society. With each n-trough there are n balls, each with integer diameter at most n. Two or more balls may have the same diameter. (323) There were no choirs of angels, no music of the spheres, no elation, no ecstasy, no golden aura surrounding him, no sense of an absolute, fore-ordained role as the messenger of God. The distance between the thumb's fingertip and its first joint is about an inch (or 25.4mm), with the nail being roughly half of that, so a nail size of about 12mm is reasonable. these spheres are all suspended. (183) Soon the density becomes great enough for the spheres of gas and dust to collapse and start individual nuclear reactions. His sphere of action, however, was not in parliament. - 20 examples of simple sentences "spheres". (195) Kant, like Leibnitz, seeks to reconcile the mechanical and teleological views of nature, only he assigns to these different spheres. 36- Fine grooves circle some of the spheres . (305) Whereas the Soviet Union and America built separate economic spheres, globalisation has bound the American and Chinese economies intimately together, to mutual advantage. 16.teacher: what's the relationship between the radius and the Diameter of the same circle? So, the diameter is about 0.4 nm. Of course, beauty pays off in, These three constitute the Supernal Triad - those, He died before he could realize his aim of conquering the Chinese Empire to the South, but his descendants made inroads on China's, However, in practical terms the private and public, The state is the consummation of man as finite; it is the necessary starting-point whence the spirit rises to an absolute existence in the, On the basis of constructing laser microbeam system we manipulate hollow dielectric, 1This outstanding designed Agatha necklace, with silver and multicolor strass, It may seem tame in this context to devote time and technical skill to throwing up perfect, It is not an exercise in cultural studies; instead it is just what it claims to be: a guide to the rocky, gassy , icy, This treatise is in two books, dedicated to Dositheus, and deals with the dimensions of, Now it is quite clear to me that there are no solid, This outstanding designed Agatha necklace, with silver and multicolor strass, There were no choirs of angels, no music of the, Grosseteste needed to account for nine perfect, In the middle of the ground level, a large platform topped by black marble-patterned porcelain tile displays one of Ms. Donovans sculptures of aggregated, In my mothers mirror, my breasts follow. The factor that seems to induce more cell differentiation is caspase-3 protease. (87) Capacity of two concentric spheres, of two coaxial cylinders and of two parallel planes. To demonstrate the problem of undetermined probabilities in the closed-orbit region, we have chosen two plausible distributions for smooth spheres. in a sentence. The diameter of a sphere divides it into two equal halves, called hemispheres. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. 39.required cure time depends on temperature, pipe Diameter, and pressure application. The great priest couldn't help but muttered: "If I had known that my second brother came over yesterday and asked me to shine the holy light on his balls, I would have agreed." Qian Renxue felt sorry for Second Grandpa just now, but when she heard this, she suddenly looked at Qian Daoliu in surprise, why did she always feel that this sentence . A circle of a spherecan also be defined as the set of points at a given angular distancefrom a given pole. 31.he measured the Diameter of the artery. . (272) Results The NSCs derived from the fetal rat ependyma were observed to rapidly proliferate to form some cellular spheres or neural spheres consisting of NSCs. (410) We imagine a wave-front divided o x Q into elementary rings or zones - often named after Huygens, but better after Fresnelby spheres described round P (the point at which the aggregate effect is to be estimated), the first sphere, touching the plane at 0, with a radius equal to PO, and the succeeding spheres with radii increasing at each step by IX. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. ; We found a low-branched walnut 5 feet in diameter and over 450 years old. Shallan's comment about spheres being slightly larger than a person's thumb nail suggests . (282) For example while fighting monsters in The Sea of Monsters his immunity to fire protected him from magical flaming spheres that would have killed anyone else. They are integrated. (420) Mr Gore, starting from the same basis of faith and authority, soon found from his practical experience in dealing with the doubts and difficulties of the younger generation that this uncompromising attitude was untenable, and set himself the task of reconciling the principle of authority in religion with that of scientific authority by attempting to define the boundaries of their respective spheres of influence. The cone of a volcano in Mexico had a height of 410 meters and a diameter of 426 meters. Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. (140) No one wanted to pay for music; the general feeling was that it should flow free from the celestial spheres. (274) Mesopore evolution mechanism of phenolic resin-based activated carbon spheres was studied by M?ssbauer Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscope. (188) Insurers, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, libraries, museums and dealers in mechanical parts in a range of spheres. (458) The Word "spheres" in Example Sentences. (197) They forcibly occupied leased territory, divided into spheres of influence, an attempt to carve up China, China as a colony changed. (107) We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres. (275) The farthest of the concentric spheres containing the stars and constituting the dwelling place of God and the angels in the Moslem and cabalist systems. Post author: Post published: junho 22, 2022; Post category: who is devin goda parents; Post comments: . (153) The system is regulated by a height control valve which allows fluid to move between spheres to keep the car level. (191) Between two concentric spheres, with a 2 +A = r 2, a2+A1=a12, A=B =C =a3/3r3, a 3 a 3 a3 _ a3 Cb _1U x r 3 a13 Y'=2 Uy2 r3 3 a13 .

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use spheres and diameter in a sentence