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stretch and challenge ofsted

Posted on October 30, 2015. <br><br>My academic and professional career has spanned Higher Education . To answer this question, let's consider the curriculum as a vehicle for social mobility. Ofsted's 2015 Common Inspection Framework explicitly highlights the need to ensure effective teaching, learning and assessment for the most academically able pupils. wants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets so set them! Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals, Differentiation/ Stretch&Challenge Training. Like a GPS, teachers are prone to denying students responsibility for their own path-finding . This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. 80% of the lesson should be about student action, not teacher action, Delegate leading activities to students e.g. Apprentices will have access to the samequality oflearning, butwont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. Explicitly teach students how to construct different types of questions to generate engaging discussion. Ensure that success criteria for a piece of work makes clear to students how they can demonstrate excellent quality work. . What is hard for me might be easy for you. 3) Provide local examples of those benefits? The most able students report, published . Read our, Registered charity no: 1125907 Company no: 06604325, Membership Management Software Powered by, 5 key strategies for stretch and challenge, Registration open for the NACE Conference 2023, First two NACE Challenge Ambassador Schools announced, FREE WEBINAR: Getting the most from your NACE membership, Member meetup: Developing challenge for all through the new curriculum for Wales. You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Designing activities to really stretch pupils, Stretching a learners thinking with the Universal Thinking Framework, Stretch and Challenge activities using visual tools, Using resources such as 'Writers Block' to stretch students comprehension, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework. Lesson work can be consolidated and extended. This however has to be achieved without increasing work load or work sheets. differentiation This by default means that everyone in the class is challenged. Session 4: Staff work in subject or year group teams to develop and implement ideas from the morning. In 2019 I met Umair Shafique at the Service Design Fringe Festival in London, and heard . With the Learning Hub, apprentices can . One way of embedding a stretch and challenge model is to experiment with different ways of encouraging greater participation in discussion. This is the idea of entertaining a thought before accepting it. Is your school embracing a stretch and challenge agenda? At their worst, stretch tasks ask pupils to do things which are largely unrelated to the learning intention of the lesson. Taking on a fresh role or perspective can really help to challenge our thinking. Click Accept to consent and dismiss this message or Deny to leave this website. Students may struggle at first with the increased demands placed upon them. A complex question can really provoke deep thinking. What's more, this also contributes to better retention. Please fill in the details so we can send over the resources. Covid-19 will change our outlook on education and BotDetect CAPTCHA ASP.NET Form Validation. Ask higher order questions using Blooms Taxonomy as a guide, Differentiate learning activities by how challenging (hot) they are, Students self-select activitieswith a little direction from the teacher, Give students help tokens which they need to spend if they want teacher input, Praise students who spend the least and have thought independently, Create a bank of cards that can be used in the classroom, Students can be given secret missions/or self-select to add depth to their work, Good quality homework gives students greater freedom to demonstrate what they really know and produce quality work. Students stick the essay pieces in order, onto a larger sheet of paper (A3 is good, but the bigger, the better). Where a learner has extensive prior knowledge of a topic, ask if they would like to present some of the knowledge they have to the class this can help build confidence and presentational skills. Encourage your son or daughter to talk to the older generation at home about their perspective on events in the past and how views and opinions have altered. The new focus on progress measures in performance tables will reward schools that stretch their brightest pupils. How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and avoid time-wasting marking Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. This will help you create a learning baseline to build upon throughout the, learners no matter their level. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. We used to teach subjects and classes - now we teach students. Teachers as activators results in a much higher effect size; some of the key actions they take are setting up tasks with the goal of mastery learning and teaching students metacognitive strategies. marriage transits astrology Accept X When thinking about how to make an aspect of a subject more challenging, it is helpful to think about curriculum as being made up of both surface-level material and at the same time ideas that require much deeper levels of understanding. Book Now ($71.91) verified_user Unlimited access for members. Her new book, Stretch and Challenge, from Bloomsbury Education is out now (ISBN: 9781472928405) priced 22.99. Stretch and Challenge sounds punitive and confrontational - when it should sound and feel more like 'Encourage and . I was awarded two extensions and last week was informed I was. Alongside her webinar for NACE members, author and teacher trainer Sue Cowley shares five ways to ensure all learners are stretched and challenged its differentiation, but not as you might expect! Hold your stretch. Professor John Hattie, alongside Gregory Yates, in Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn, explore the difference between teachers as activators as opposed to teachers as facilitators.Teachers as activators results in a much higher effect size; some of the key actions they take are setting up tasks with the goal of mastery learning and teaching students metacognitive strategies.If students are going to work independently, then they need to have a clear goal in mind where the steps to success help students to judge how well they are working towards their goal. In current high stakes education such a thing is dangerous. , but they could be about further qualifications or promotions. While these homework projects can be a lot of fun, many students struggle with such open-ended tasks. Implementing a stretch and challenge model in your classroom requires teachers and students to recognise that learning should be difficult. Its often the last thing we think about after weve planned our lessons. Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's leaders and what they achieve. Following an intensive 2-day internal CPD event at one outstanding school, I asked the teaching staff to complete a survey; the number one area that they requested more input on was stretch and challenge. Independence, resilience and TAsAsk any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. The secret to doing this well is to think about it in three areas of teaching practice: Attitudes: The belief and mindsets teachers need to have themselves and inculcate in their students. The strategies below(link for original source) are about empowering students and fostering curiosity without huge amounts of preparation and added work. Session 3: Stretch and Challenge Strategies Specifically Targeting More-Able Learners. NHS apprenticeships: an interview with Lucy Hunte, HEE, Level 2 apprenticeships are key to social mobility. They are likely to be autodidacts reading widely around a favoured subject at home to find out more. Stretch and challenge can be described as an agenda or philosophy as opposed to an outright teaching strategy. The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. For children to make good or better progress they need to be stretched and challenged by their teachers to maximise their potential. These could be around grades, but they could be about further qualifications or promotions. Are your colleagues running any research projects or courses? Teachers must think carefully about how a task is scaffolded and carefully selecting resources so all students can access the most challenging work. In our quest to make students more independent, we have forgotten that they need to know an awful lot before they are ready to work independently. . Things may have changed since then, so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. Stretch and Challenge. However, getting homework right makes such a difference to the challenge culture. Quay Street, Stretch and Challenge | CLF Conference. Robert Marzano and Debra Pickerings book, Building Academic Vocabulary, shares a structured approach to teaching academic vocabulary. stretch and challenge ofsted stretch and challenge ofsted. UX Research Programme Stretch and Challenge are concepts which occur with increasing frequency in Ofsted and Estyn reports. At times, their level of knowledge or skill might outpace yours. Onefile Ltd is registered in England with company number 4404879. Select a date. Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. High-quality maths: Ofsted findings undermined by MPs call for oracy education to be post-Covid priority. The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. This requires a depth of awareness of where each child is and . Introduction. The best performing schools see additional learning opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop advanced knowledge. First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. Post Ofsted this has been made an area of development across our school, departments are responding in a number of ways. During the initial assessment, you can find out the learners prior learning not just against English andmaths, but against all the KSBs in the standard. It's the first step towards ditching the wrong kind of differentiation. For each area of a subject, consider what you can add to create depth. This practical planning and delivery tool enable educators to design challenge teaching strategies that really gets everyone thinking. Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding. 3. As well as Marzano and Pickerings work, Doug Lemov in Teach Like A Champion has introduced two strategies that raise the language demands of students: Right is Right and Stretch It. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. If students see there is a choice of how much they will learn in a lesson, then it is too tempting for them to coast along doing the bare minimum.Learning intentions are an integral part of communicating to your students that you expect all of them to think deeply every lesson. Some of their recommendations are below. Students are notoriously bad at acting upon the feedback given to them by their teachers. We have seen many schools create assessment procedures that put the student's cognitive abilities at stage centre. I See Reasoning UKS2 - Gareth Metcalfe. Therefore, it is vital that when offering students choices they are held accountable for the work they produce.FeedbackThere cant be a teacher on this planet who doesnt know by now that feedback has a significant effect on students outcomes. Homework gives students greater freedom to demonstrate what they really know and produce quality work. Using visuals to accompany the word as a memory cue helps students to remember the work. In each case the students will then have the remaining time to improve or add to their work. By using this site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. 4. Robin Alexander, in his book Towards Dialogic Teaching, highlights the over-reliance on IRF (initiation-response-feedback) in the British classroom. If truth be told, many of us can forget to set homework or set something rushed just to keep up with the homework timetable. Most students can be a bystander rather than an active participator. One parent wrote, 'I love . Her book The Ultimate Guide to Differentiation is published by Bloomsbury. However, getting homework right makes such a difference to the challenge culture. This might typically be about digging into an area more deeply, going laterally with a concept, or asking students to use more complex terminology to describe abstract ideas. Work with the apprentice and employer to set ambitious, yet realistic targets. Don't bolt on challenge - build it in. Since academic vocabulary knowledge is at the heart of being a good speaker, reader and writer, it is important that teachers dedicate enough time to explicitly teaching academic vocabulary in their subject areas to challenge students to express themselves with confidence. and challenge, and high expectations. Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. Students respond earnestly and with great interest and enthusiasm. However, if you stay resolute and communicate with students the changes you are making and the benefits these changes will bring, they will end up appreciating your high expectations of what they can achieve.Debbie Light is an advanced skills teacher and a deputy head in a London secondary school. Ensure that success criteria for a piece of work makes clear to students how they can demonstrate excellent quality work.Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding.Once students have attempted a piece of work, teach students how to use pre-flight checklists which ask students to check their own or a peers work against the criteria and highlight areas for development before handing in their very best effort.Academic vocabularyVarying levels of literacy is one of the most significant factors in how well a student will do at school.

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stretch and challenge ofsted